The 1st ETDTCom-2023 invites high-quality recent research results in the areas of the conference scope.

Please download the ETDTCom-2023 flyer (ETDTCom23-CFP) of the Call For Papers.

The papers describing the original work are invited in any of the following areas but are not limited to:

Track 1: Data Science & Engineering
Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data Analytics
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
Data-Centric Programming
Data Modeling & Semantic Engineering
Data, Text, Web Mining, & Visualization
Knowledge Engineering
Track 2: Computational Intelligence
Green Computing
Computer Graphics, Vision, and Animation
Algorithms & Programming Languages
Computing Architectures and Systems
Network and Cyber Security
Internet of Things
Cluster, Cloud, & Grid Computing
Track 3: Computing Technologies
Data Mining
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Metaheuristic algorithms
Machine Learning
Business Intelligence
Human-Computer Interface
Crowd Sourcing & Social Intelligence
Track 4: Communication & Networking
6G/5G and Improved Connectivity
Wireless/Optical Communications and Networks
Modulation and Coding Techniques
Ad-hoc, Mesh, and Sensor Networks
Vehicular Networks & Cellular Networks
Cyber/Network Security Advances
Track 5: Devices, Circuits, Materials, and Processing
Electronic devices, materials, and fabrication process
Advanced CMOS devices and process
Emerging memory technologies
Analog and mixed-signal ICs
MEMS and semiconductor sensors
Track 6: RF Circuits, Systems, and Antennas
Antennas, Propagation, and Computational EM
RF/Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems
THz, mmWave, and RF Systems for Communications
Materials and Structures
Microwave Metrology
RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology
Track 7: Signal & Image Processing
Image / Video / Multimedia Signal ProcessingDigital & Multirate Signal Processing
Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures
Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking
Compressive Sensing and High-Dimensional Statistics
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Track 8: Power, Energy, and Power Electronics
Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
High Voltage Engineering, HVDC-FACTS
Switching Circuits & Power Converters
Power System Monitoring, Control, and Protection
Micro Grids & Distributed Generation
Control Communication and Monitoring of Smart Grid
Energy Storage System
Track 9: Robotics, Control, Instrumentation, and Automation
Humanoid robots
Mobile robotics
Space and underwater robots
Control system modeling
Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control, and their applications
Networked control systems
Industrial automation

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:1st December, 2022
Acceptance Notification: 1st February, 2023
Camera Ready Copy Submission:25th February, 2023
Conference Dates: 28th – 29th April, 2023

Proposals for workshops, special sessions, tutorials, and industry forums of general interest and relevance to the above tracks will be considered. These should address the Technical Community and/or provide educational or expository material or recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of the above topics.