Author Guidelines


Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Technical papers must be submitted via the submission system. Submitted papers should be written in the English language. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing.


Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Technical Papers must be submitted via the Paper Processing System.

Double-blind Submissions

All submitted papers will be reviewed based on their quality and relevance to the conference scope through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are not known to the reviewers.

The submitted paper (PDF file) should be text-searchable. Any submission that does not meet this requirement may be returned without review.

Preprints Policy

The submitted manuscript or its title/abstract should not be posted on a public website, such as, or transmitted via public mailing lists. Paper is subjected to desk rejection if it is found to have more than 30% overlap with a single paper available to the public over the Internet.

Length and Formatting Requirements

Submitted papers must be written in the English language, with a maximum length limit of 12 pages for full-length papers and 10 pages for short papers (400 words on each page).

Use the standard Springer CCIS templates for MS-Word or LaTeX formats found at:

Regardless of the source of your paper formatting, you must submit your paper in PDF format.

Paper Submission Process

All papers must be submitted in PDF electronically using the submission system. If the submitting author does not have an account, a personal account on the submission system needs to be created. When submitting the paper, a title, all the co-authors, and a concise abstract should be provided to the submission system as the metadata of the paper. The metadata should be provided before the paper registration deadline.

The authors are required to make sure that the complete list of authors is provided as part of the metadata to the submission system. Should a paper be accepted, the complete list of authors, including the ordering of authors, must remain identical to the submission system metadata in the final camera-ready manuscript.


Corresponding Authors

When submitting their paper, the authors should allot a corresponding author, who must be available to carry out a proof check of the paper. He or she is given a 72-hour time slot to do so. The corresponding author should be clearly marked as such in the header of the paper. He or she is also the one who signs the license-to-publish form on behalf of all of the authors. Please note that the corresponding author cannot be changed once the paper and the license-to-publish form have been sent to us.

We encourage the inclusion of all of the authors’ email addresses and ORCIDs in the header, but at the very least, the email address of the corresponding author should be present.

Approximately one month after publication, all authors whose email addresses are included on their papers will receive an email from Springer providing them with a coded personal access link, which will enable them to download the PDF of their paper directly from SpringerLink.

License-to-Publish Transfer

Authors have to submit a signed License-to-Publish form. Please make sure that you sign the form sent with the official acceptance email and no other form.

Authors employed by US Government contractors or US Government departments have to sign an alternative form. It is imperative that such authors contact their legal departments and also get in touch with us as soon as their paper has been accepted.

The corresponding author, who should match the corresponding author marked on the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf. Authors should also obtain permissions from the previous publisher for any material they want to reuse. Refer to the Springer Nature Guide to Copyright and Permissions or RightsLink for further information. Once the Camer-Ready-Copy paper has been submitted, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.

We do not accept digital signatures on the license-to-publish forms at present. If you have any queries regarding copyright, please contact us at [email protected]